Call for Climate Change Acknowledgement

Did you catch this column in the Houston Chronicle this morning? It seems even non-believers are starting to realize that our actions affect the environment and are causing climate change. And the author makes a call to Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to realize the same. What will it take for our lawmakers to take Climate Change seriously? Does each lawmaker need to have an experience like the residents along the Blanco River? Open your eyes and take a look at what is happening across the country. Record-breaking snow falls in Boston, drought in California, wildfires in Washington, Floods in Texas. These things are not merely coincidence nor are they anomalies. They are becoming the norm because of what we are doing to the earth. I add my name to the list of Texas citizens requiring Sen. Cruz to wake up and acknowledge that climate change is real and that we need to do something about it now!

Won’t you join me? Contact Sen. Cruz and let him know how you feel.